Optical fibers for UV-VIS spectral ranges
1. Synthetic quartz core High OH
Option: Solarization optimized
Core diameter: 50 µm to 2000 µm
- Circular (standard)
- Non-circular
- Rectangular (1:1 up to 1:3)
- Hexagonal
- Octagonal
- Other
Available CCDRs
- 1.05
- 1.1
- 1.2
- 1.4
- Custom
2. Reflecting Clad
- F-doped silica
- Polymer
- Multi-cladding
Available NAs
- Low 0.12 ± 0.02
- Standard 0.22 ± 0.02
- High 0.27 ± 0.02
- Custom
3. Buffer
- Hard clad (NA = 0.37 or 0.50)
- Silicone clad (NA = 0.37)
4. Jacket
- Polyimide (-190°C to +385°C)
- Acrylate (-40°C to +85°C)
- Nylon (-40°C to +100°C)
- ETFE (-40°C to +150°C)
- Others upon request
HIGH OH FIBER FOR DEEP UV (ZLDUV) brochure HIGH OH FIBER FOR UV-VIS (ZLUV) brochure SPECIAL FIBER FOR 308nm (ZLXUV) brochureBesoin d’aide ?
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